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5 Safety Tips For Cab Travelling At Night


Seva Tourism, the best cab service for outstation , has come up with yet another informative blog for you all. Follow these tips and make your night ride safe.

Always remain alert and send your location details to the ones you can trust and who can be there to help during an emergency. With the growing concern about safety in cabs, there is a feature known as share location that allows you to send your live location to a person who can keep track of the cab in which you are traveling. In case of any suspicious activity, your contacts will be able to locate you based on the shared location.

Always book your cabs from a reputed outstation taxi service in Pune and make a thorough observation of the driver once in the cab. Always bear in mind that most mishaps can be prevented if a person is alert enough to understand the environment in which they are.

If you feel like the driver is drunk and you’re getting alcohol smell or feel the driver might have other intentions, immediately cancel the ride and seek shelter in the nearest crowded place so that you are not alone.

Try to keep your windows open throughout the ride in best one way cab service Pune. Also, make sure the doors are not locked in such a way that only the driver has access to them.

Always carry some kind of defensive object with you. Be it keys, blunt knives, or pepper spray, having something with you will give you the confidence to stand up for yourself in case of an emergency. These objects will help you in scaring off the other person at night.

Maintain a low profile. Talking too much has the risk of letting out certain information that can be used against you. Never admit it if you're traveling alone, and always make sure to let the driver know you are surrounded by trustworthy people who can take care of your safety.

Conclusion We’re helping these tips will help you have a safe and secure ride even at night. If you want to be double sure about everything during travel, book cabs with Seva Tourism- A Outstation taxi service in Pune.

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